Resources is the single access point for over 1,000 grant programs offered by all Federal grant making agencies.

Office of Energy Independence provides a list of financial incentives for the production of clean energy.

Click here

Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) programs are available through the Vernon County RLF Committee, Hillsboro City Revolving Loan Fund, Couleecap, and the CMV fund of the Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission.  These are low-interest loans to assist businesses with start-ups or expansions and eligibility is based on the number of jobs created. 

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is available through districts established in Coon Valley, DeSoto, Hillsboro, Ontario, Viola, Viroqua and Westby.

Contact the VEDA office regarding RLFs and TIFs


Center for Land Use Information, UW-Extension
A series of publications about planning, zoning and land use topics has been compiled with assistance from the Department of Natural Resources and the Office of Land Information Services of the Department of Administration.


A private, nonprofit agency established in 1966 to secure and direct anti-poverty programs that assist people in Crawford, La Crosse, Monroe and Vernon counties. Programs focus on needs related to Housing, Family Support Services, Youth, and Energy Services.

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

Wisconsin’s primary agency for delivering integrated services to businesses.

Equipment and Metal Manufacturing Association (EMMA)

An industry cluster association comprised of equipment, machinery and metal manufacturers working together to improve the competitive advantage of their firms by developing innovative ideas to increase productivity and by cost sharing on equipment and workforce development programs.

Energy Star

A government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency.

Focus on Energy

Works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects through information, resources, grants and other financial incentives.

Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission (MRRPC)

A Commission of nine counties located along the Mississippi River in Western Wisconsin, organized in 1964 under Wisconsin State Statutes to plan for the physical, social and economic development of the Region.  Provides services such as: comprehensive plans, zoning and subdivision ordinances, grant writing, geographic information system map production, revolving loan fund administration, State Technology Zone tax credit administration, administering the Wisconsin Federal Grant Review Program, economic development planning, economic data collection and dissemination, and advocating public policy positions on issues affecting the Region.

Office of Energy Independence
Created by Governor Doyle to lead the state’s effort toward a goal of supplying 25% of its electric power and transportation fuels from renewable resources by the year 2025.

Small Business Administration (SBA)

A United States government agency that provides support to small businesses to help them start, grow and succeed.

Small Business Development Center (SBDC) UW-La Crosse

Provides business advising services, business education programs and information resources for entrepreneurs and small business owners throughout the 7 Rivers Region. The SBDC is affiliated with UW-La Crosse College of Business Administration and its service area includes: Buffalo, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Monroe, Trempealeau and Vernon counties.

USDA Rural Development

Offers programs to help improve the economy and quality of life in all of rural America. Financial programs support:
  • Essential public facilities and services such as water and sewer systems, housing, health clinics, emergency service facilities and electric and telephone service.
  • Loans to businesses through banks and community-managed lending pools.
  • Also offers technical assistance and information to
    • help agricultural and other cooperatives get started and improve the effectiveness of their member services.
    • help communities undertake community empowerment programs.

Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA)

Serves Wisconsin residents and communities by working with others to provide creative financing resources and information to stimulate and preserve affordable housing, small businesses and agribusiness.

Wisconsin Procurement Institute (WPI)

WPI's mission is to assist Wisconsin businesses in creating, developing and growing their Federal, State and Local Government sales, revenues, profits and jobs.

Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation  (WWBIC)

Provides hands-on assistance to business owners through classes, on-on-one assistance, and access to capital through direct lending programs.

Plan to attend the next meeting of the Inventors and Entrepreneurs Club on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 for the topic of “Protecting Your Work Through Patents”. We will cover strategies including contracts, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, the patent process and standards for the registration of patents. Whether you have an idea or just like to think business, join us to network with lots of creative people. The program begins at 6:00 p.m at the Food Enterprise Center, 1201 North Main Street in Viroqua. Everyone is welcome!

Click here for more info on the I&E Club

Quick VEDA Contact Info

Susan Noble
Executive Director, Vernon Economic Development Association
1201 North Main Street,
Suite 6, Viroqua WI 54665